Aug 23 – 29, 2017
Asia/Tokyo timezone

The CNSSS17 finished successfully. 

We hope to see you in the next year!

Nishina hall
Hirosawa 2-1, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan

Dear Colleagues,

The 16th CNS International Summer School (CNSSS17), hosted by Center
for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo, will be held for Aug.23 -
29, 2017. The school is supported by RNC and ANPhA.

The venue will be at Nishina Hall in RIKEN Wako campus.
The lecturers of the CNSSS17 are,
Prof. Umesh Garg (Univ. of Notre Dam, USA, high spin physics)
Prof. Munetake Ichimura (RIKEN, nuclear reaction theory)
Prof. Robert Roth (TU Darmstadt, nuclear structure theory )
Prof. Tomotsugu Wakasa (Kyushu, giant resonances and related topics)
Prof.  Bhanu Pratap Das (Tokyo Tech, CP violation in atoms and molecules)
Dr. Naofumi Tsunoda (CNS, nuclear structure theory)
Dr. Aiko Takamine (RIKEN)


As the past CNSSS, we will have young scientist sessions where the
Ph.D students and Post-docs contribute either poster or oral
presentation.  From this year we will select a few persons from the
poster and oral presentations as the winners of “CNSSS Young Scientist
Awards”. The certificate will be given to the winners.
We plan to support students' stay or travel expenses, although it is
limited. The support will be primarily come to those who perform a
oral/poster presentation. If you wish our support, please make a
registration and submit your abstract from the web page of CNSSS17 by
July 24th (Mon).

We’re looking forward to seeing you at the school.

With best regards
CNSSS17 Local organizing committee