Aug 3 – 8, 2024
RIKEN Wako campus
Asia/Tokyo timezone

We are pleased to announce that the joint international school SNP-CNS SS 2024 will be held at Tokyo, Japan, from August 3rd to 8th , 2024. This school is co-hosted by School of Science, the University of Tokyo, CNS-Tokyo, QNSI-Tokyo, J-PARC, ELPH-Tohoku, RCNP-Osaka, KEK-IINAS, RCSHE and CABAS of Kyushu University, and supported by ASRC JAEA, ANPhA, RIKEN Nishina Center, GP-PU of Tohoku Univ. This international school is the 13th SNP School of the series which has been held every year since 2012 and the 23rd CNS SS since 2002. This is the first attempt to organize a joint event. 

The main page of the school can be found here.

The registration can be made on this indico web page.


RIKEN Wako campus
Suzuki Umetaro Hall