CNSSS Young Scientist Awards
CNSSS Young Scientist Award is presented to the participants of CNSSS who presented outstanding poster or oral presentation during the young scientist sessions of CNSSS.
Eligibility and Award Criteria
The CNSSS Young Scientist Awards recognize poster presentations and oral presentation characterized by excellence in research, clarity in presentation, and personal knowledge in a discussion with the reviewers at the session. The Ph.D students and postdoctral researchers who contribute to the young scientist sessions are eligible. First and second place winners of the poster and oral sessions will receive certificates of the award. In addition, the ANPhA award will be given to the best presentation among the winners.
ANPhA/AAPPS-DNP award for young Physicist
It is honour to announce that the ANPhA/AAPPS-DNP presents award for young Physicist as the last year. The ANPhA/AAPPS-DNP award will be given to the best winner of CNSSS Young Scientist Awards with the certificate and 10k JPY.
Winners of CNSSS Young Scientist Awards 2018
Four winners were selected the referees which consisted of the members of organizing committee and the lecturers. The winners were
- Mr. Noritaka Kitamura (CNS, Japan) "Characterization of a tritium target for two-neutron transfer reaction at TRIUMF"
- Ms. Heamin Ko (Soongsil University, South Korea) "Neutrino self-interaction and MSW effect on the neutrino-process in core-collapse supernovae"
- Mr. Xuan Wang (RCNP, Japan) "Measurement of Two-Halo neutron transfer reaction 11Li(p,t)9Li at 62.4 MeV"
- Mr. Yushin Yamada (Kyushu, Japan) "The study of the resonant states in 12C+nucleon scattering"
The certificates were presented to them.
The AAPPS-DNP/ANPhA prize for young physicist was awarded to Mr. Noritaka Kitamura for his outstanding presentation of his experimental studies.