We investigate the nuclear abundances uniquely produced from the neutrino-process in supernova (SN) explosion. We calculate the neutrino flux propagation and its modification by neutrino self-interactions near the neutrino-sphere along with the Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein (MSW) mixing in the outer envelopes. We compute the neutrino-induced nucleosynthesis of $^{7}$Li, $^{11}$B, $^{92}$Nb, $^{98}$Tc, $^{138}$La, and $^{180}$Ta. Near to the neutrino-sphere, the neutrino density is $\sim 10^{32} {\rm cm}^{-3}$. This number density is sufficiently large that the neutrino self-interaction becomes important. The interaction effect on the neutrino flux is calculated by solving the evolution equation for the neutrino density matrix with a collision term estimated in the mean field approximation. We discuss how the neutrino self-interaction and the MSW effect influence the nuclear production by using the modified neutrino spectra along with neutrino-nucleus interactions calculated in the Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation (QRPA). Our results show that abundances of all nuclides considered in this work are increased by the neutrino self-interaction.