22–28 Aug 2018
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Production of the Gamma-ray via narrow resonance reaction and its applications

22 Aug 2018, 16:40
Nishina Hall

Nishina Hall

Hirosawa 2-1, Wako 351-0198, Japan
oral contribution YSS


Dr YONGLE DANG (China Institute of Atomic Energy, CIAE)


High energy γ-ray can be used for nuclear waste transmutation, because of the giant resonance. The generation of high energy γ-ray mainly include bremsstrahlung, laser Compton scatter and resonance reaction. The thick target yield of the 9.17MeV γ-ray from the resonance at 1.75MeV in the 13C(p,γ)14N was measured by use of HPGe detector. The absolutely efficiency of the detector was calibrated by the GEANT4 simulation and the known radioactive activities of 56Co and 152Eu. The energy and angular distribution of the 9.17MeV γ-ray are determined. Meanwhile, the photo neutron cross section at the energy of 9.17MeV for 197Au(γ,n) has been determined.

Primary author

Dr YONGLE DANG (China Institute of Atomic Energy, CIAE)

Presentation materials