Nuclear reactions for the long-lived fission product (LLFP) $\mathrm{^{93}Zr}$($\mathrm{T_{1/2}}$=1.6million years) have been studied for the purpose of nuclear waste transmutation. According to the previous report[1], it was found that the proton- and deuteron-induced spallation reactions at 105 MeV/u are effective for the $\mathrm{^{93}Zr}$ transmutation. For systematic study, we performed an experiment for the proton- and deuteron- induced reactions on $\mathrm{^{93}Zr}$ at 30 MeV/u. In this energy region, the fusion evaporation process is dominant. Thus, the reaction mechanism dependence can be studied by comparison with the high energy spallation data.
[experimental method]
This experiment was performed at RIKEN Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory (RIBF). The degraded RI beams at 30 MeV/u were produced by a newly developed beam line, OEDO. To induce the reactions, the high-pressure cooled gas targets ($\mathrm{H_2}$ and $\mathrm{D_2}$ ) were used. Reaction residues were analyzed by the SHARAQ spectrometer.
In this talk, we will present the details of experiments and the obtained results.
[1] S. Kawase et al., Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2017 , 093D03 (2017).