Dear Colleagues,
The 20th CNS International Summer School (CNSSS21), co-hosted by Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo and by JSPS A3 Foresight program, will be held for Aug.16 - Aug.20, 2020. The school is supported by RNC, Super Heavy Research Center of Kyushu Univ. and cooperated by ANPhA.
The lecturers of the CNSSS21 include,
Dr. Stefan Typel (GSI Germany) "From nuclei to stars with a relativistic density functional"
Prof. Hidetoshi Yamaguchi (CNS, U. of Tokyo, Japan) "How to study nuclear clusters experimentally?"
Prof. Peter Mueller (ANL, USA) "Atom Traps of Rare Isotopes at the Precision and Sensitivity Frontier in Nuclear Physics"
Prof. Akira Ejiri (U. of Tokyo) " R&D for nuclear fusion reactors, High temperature plasma as a complex system"
Dr. Zaihong Yang (RCNP, Osaka University, Japan) "Probing nuclear clustering with knockout reactions"
Dr. Sarah Naimi (RIKEN Nishina Center, Japan) "Overview of RIBF"
Prof. Susumu Shimoura (CNS, U. of Tokyo, Japan) "Direct reactions as quantum probes of sub-atomic system"
The registration opens now.
As the past CNSSS, we will have young scientist sessions where the Ph.D students and Post-docs contribute to oral presentation. From 2018 we select a few persons from the poster and oral presentations as the winners of “CNSSS Young Scientist Awards”. The certificate will be given to the winners. For the best presentation, AAPPS-DNP/ANPhA award for young physisit is also presented.
We’re looking forward to seeing you at the school.
With best regards
A3F-CNSSS21 Organizing Committee