The gamma-ray detector array composed of 24 LaBr3(Ce) scintillators is now in preparation for the decay spectroscopy with the fast-timing gamma-ray measurements by the Center for Extreme Nuclear Matters (CENuM) in Korea. Accordingly, the simulation based on the Geant4 framework has been performed for various purposes.
The encapsulated LaBr3(Ce) crystal with a size of 1.5-inch diameter was...
In nuclear physics, the precise measurement on the lifetime of the quantum state is essential to understand the many-body quantum system. Specifically, the lifetime information of first 2+ level in even-Z even-N nucleus provides crucial information on the nuclear structure. As the rare-isotope beams could be produced, the nuclear shell or shape evolution toward the drip-line has become...
Theoretical calculation indicates the existence of molecule configuration in 16C. Linear-chain configuration is a current research hotspot of various molecule configurations. The excited states of 16C with π2σ2 configuration for the four valence neutrons is one of the most promising candidates for the linear-chain structure. The linear-chain configuration generates a rotational band built on...
A real-time testing system consisting of a large-area array of 72 QDR II+ SRAMs (larger than 10-Gbit manufactured in 65 nm CMOS technology) was developed and assembled on the Tibetan Plateau at an altitude of 4,300 m. A new topological structure with 9 QDR II+ devices operating synchronously by a single FPGA was proposed and the signal integrity of the large-area high-speed QDR II+ SRAMs was...
An upgraded Isochronous Mass Spectrometry (IMS) with two new Time-of-Flight
(ToF) detectors has been established in the experimental cooler storage ring (CSRe) in
Institute of Modern Physics in Lanzhou. The double-ToF IMS can measure the velocity
of an ion stored in CSRe. Some preliminary results of the projectile fragments of $^{58}Ni^{19+}$
experiment conducted at the double-ToF IMS are...
Large Acceptance Multi-Purpose Spectrometer (LAMPS) experiment aims to measure the nuclear symmetry energy for rare isotopes with a wide range of N-Z at Rare isotope Accelerator Complex for ON-line experiment (RAON) in Korea. Neutrons have no net charge so that they cannot be detected by a device using electromagnetic force. The neutron detector for LAMPS is made of 4 layers of scintillators...
Francium (Fr) is expected to be a powerful probe for measuring the electron electric dipole moment (eEDM) in high precision, due to its large EDM enhancement factor. We have developed a surface ionizer to produce a high-intensity Fr ion beam at RIKEN. Due to spatial constraints of the experimental area, the yielded ions must be extracted from the ion source at an angle of 45 degrees with...
Recent developments in nuclear potentials based on chiral effective field theory and in various ab-initio approaches have enlarged our microscopic understandings to a wide range of nuclear chart including doubly open-shell nuclei.
However, is it enough to consider only those bottom-up approaches for making reliable predictions about exotic nuclei for which experimental verification is...