The particle production and their ratios for $\pi$, k, p are studied in different collisions system at different centre of mass energy based on a blast-wave model with thermal equilibrium mechanism.
The transverse momentum spectra of the above-mentioned particles at the kinetic freeze-out stage are also discussed.
The kinematics freeze-out properties were fitted by the blast wave model. For...
We study the properties of hot beta-stable nuclear matter using equations of state derived within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach at finite temperature including consistent three-body forces. Simple and accurate parametrizations of the finite-temperature equations of state are provided. The properties of hot neutron stars are then investigated within this framework, in particular the...
Chemical properties of trans-uranium and super-heavy elements, i.e., electronic properties in their isolated atomic form, are interesting objects of research as well as the nuclear properties. The ionization energy of lawrencium ($ Z = 103 $) was recently measured to be $ 4.96 \, \mathrm{eV} $ at the tandem accelerator at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) [1]. This result and the...
We discuss the electron screening effects on the nuclear burning stages of stars. There is a dense electron cloud in the environment of fully ionized stellar plasma. The nucleus, which has a positive charge, streams in the electron cloud. This nucleus seems to have smaller charge than the original one. This phenomenon is called the electron screening effect. In this situation, the reaction...
A multiphase transport model (AMPT) is successful in describing the experimental data, mainly from heavy ion collisions at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. By using this AMPT model,
the initial geometry effect on collective flows, which are inherited from initial projectile structure, is studied in 4He+12C system. Elliptic flow (v2) and triangular flow (v3) which are significantly...
Collective reaction paths for fusion reactions are microscopically determined on the basis of the adiabatic self-consistent collective coordinate (ASCC) method. This path is maximally decoupled from other intrinsic degrees of freedom. The reaction paths turn out to deviate from those obtained with standard mean-field calculations with constraints on quadrupole and octupole moments. The...
In this talk, we will discuss two new parameter sets for the energy density functional such as G3 and IOPB-I for finite nuclei, and infinite nuclear matter system within the effective field theory motivated relativistic mean-field (ERMF) formalism. The isovector part of the ERMF model employed in the present study includes the coupling of nucleons to the δ and ρ mesons and the cross-coupling...
The Density functional theory (DFT) is a microscopic method to get the ground-state energy of quantum many-body systems.
Due to the low numerical cost, it is widely applicable to nuclear, atomic and molecule physics.
In the DFT, the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem ensures that energy can be expressed as a functional of density, so-called “energy density functional (EDF)” and the EDF is uniquely...