21–27 Aug 2019
Wako/Hongo Campus
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Atomic Spectra of Iron at Black Hole Accretion Disk

24 Aug 2019, 16:05
Wako/Hongo Campus

Wako/Hongo Campus

Hirosawa 2-1, Wako, 351-0198, Saitama (Wako) Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo 113-0033, Tokyo (Hongo)


Jong-heun Kim


The black hole accretion disks contain highly ionized Fe, including C$_{IV}$, N$_V$, and O$_{VI}$ at a temperature of about $10^8$K. The relatively hot accretion disk ($10^8$K) and the relatively cool surrounding medium ($10^6$K) are mixed and the iron is ionized and recombined to release the X-ray. This paper investigate the physical properties of turbulent mixing layers and the production of highly ionized irons, by using hydrodynamic simulations with radiative cooling and non-equilibrium ionization (NEI) calculations.

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