Sota Yoshida
(University of Tokyo)
Recent developments in nuclear potentials based on chiral effective field theory and in various ab-initio approaches have enlarged our microscopic understandings to a wide range of nuclear chart including doubly open-shell nuclei.
However, is it enough to consider only those bottom-up approaches for making reliable predictions about exotic nuclei for which experimental verification is extremely difficult?
In this talk, I will explain importance of so-called "inverse modeling problems" and the preprocessing towards inverse modeling problems, that is, uncertainty quantification of theoretical predictions, by taking recent publications as examples.
- S. Yoshida, N. Shimizu, T. Togashi, and T. Otsuka, Phys. Rev. C 98, 061301 (R) (2018).
- S. Yoshida, arXiv:1907.04974.
Primary author
Sota Yoshida
(University of Tokyo)