The 18th CNS International Summer School will be held on Augst 21st to 27th, 2019 at Hongo Campus, University of Tokyo. The school is hosted by the CNS, University of Tokyo and supported by RIKEN Nishina Center and JSPS A3 Foresight program and cooperated by ANPhA.
The school aims to foster the young generation of nuclear physicists, in particular Asian students/post-docs. The lectures of theoretical and experimental nuclear physics will be given by several world-leading lecturers. There will be also young scientist sessions where the participants will talk on their own research. CNSSS Young Scientist Awards will be given to several contributions.
The lecturers of this years includes;
- Prof. Alan Wuosmaa (Univ. of Connecticut, USA) "Experimental nuclear structure studies with radioactive isotope beams"
- Prof. Shan-Gui Zhou (Institute of Theoretical Physics, China) "Properties and synthesis mechanism of superheavy elements"
- Prof. Kipp-Cannon (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan) "Gravitational wave"
- Prof. Hirohiko Shimizu (Nagoya Univ., Japan) "Neutrons and Fundamental symmetry with nuclei (tentative)"
- Prof. Katsuyuki Fukutani (IIS, Univ. of Tokyo) "Interdisciplinary Study with Quantum Beam (tentative)"
- Prof. Noritaka Shimizu (CNS, Univ. of Tokyo) "Practical course of the nuclear shell model"
- Dr. Tadaaki Isobe (RIKEN) "Overview of RIBF"
Registration fee below is asked to pay in cash at the on-site registration.
- Senior scientists; 1,000 JY
- Staff scientists; 4,000 JY
- PD; 3,000 JY
- PhD students; 1,000 JY