Facility for Research in Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics (FRENA), an upcoming tandem accelerator facility at Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India. This is a low energy (0.2-3 MV) high current facility primarily designed for nuclear astrophysical studies. Most of the astrophysical reactions have very low cross-sections with large error bars$^{[1]}$. So the background studies in...
Background and Purpose:An efficient way to measure the nuclear radii is to measure the reaction cross section between the incident nucleus and the proton target (especially solid hydrogen). Currently, the method of measuring the length of solid hydrogen and multiplying it by the density to obtain the mass thickness is not sufficiently accurate because of the several % uncertainty in the...
Despite being proposed over half a century ago, various aspects of the r-process synthesis of heavy elements remain unknown1. One such mystery is that of the true astrophysical site. Intense neutron flux is required to set sufficient conditions for synthesis. In order to clarify the conditions of the r-process, mass measurements of neutron rich isotopes involved in the r-process...
The generator coordinate method (GCM) has been utilized to describe the nuclear collective motion including the cluster structure. The GCM trial function is given by a coherent superposition of Slater determinants (SDs) fixed within some collective space, which has been a priori selected. The energy variation is then made only for the weight function. In this talk, we present a GCM with the...
The crossing of the $2p_{3/2}$ and $1f_{5/2}$ proton s.p. energy levels in neutron-
rich Ni isotopes and the magic character of the atomic number Z=28 in
this isotopic chain is a subject of current interest from both, experimental and theoretical points of view[1,2]. The finite range Simple effective interaction(SEI) is able to reproduce the experimentally observed crossing even without...