Because the number of the cases everyday is still high, we need to monitor the body temperature of each participant everyday. We would like to ask you to report us your body temperature via https://forms.gle/dVZtvtdaHTsFfQGp9 . At the hotel, for the shared room, we will prepare a thermometer for each room. For the single-room, you can measure the temperature at the lobby of the hotel or at the reception desk of the school site.
We will ask you to take an antibody test before you join the school. It takes only about 15 min. Please let us know the result before you come to the school venue at https://forms.gle/5pLVjxsjMKRGSNNa9 . We will send a test kit this week to you. Please let us know the address of your house or your office where we can reach out by Aug./17th.
We would like you to wear a non-woven mask during school.