Neutron capture rate on neutron-rich nuclei is one of the most uncertain nuclear physics parameters to understand the r-process nucleosynthesis in the universe. According to the network simulation of the nucleosynthesis, the neutron capture on $^{130}{\rm{Sn}}$ significantly affects the final abundances of the r-process. To reduce the uncertainty, we performed the experiment to study the neutron capture rate of $^{130}{\rm{Sn}}$ using the surrogate ratio method at the BigRIPS-OEDO beamline in RIKEN’s RIBF. In this experiment, we measured $^{130}{\rm{Sn}}(d,p)$ and $^{130}{\rm{Te}}(d,p)$ reactions separately in inverse kinematics to determine the ratio of the gamma emission probabilities from the respective unbound states. The protons recoiled from the CD$_{2}$ solid target were detected by a recoil particle detector array, TiNA.
The present status of the analysis will be discussed.