Neutron capture rate on neutron-rich nuclei is one of the most uncertain nuclear physics parameters to understand the r-process nucleosynthesis in the universe. According to the network simulation of the nucleosynthesis, the neutron capture on $^{130}{\rm{Sn}}$ significantly affects the final abundances of the r-process. To reduce the uncertainty, we performed the experiment to study the...
Our research goal is to measure the cross-section of the $^{7}$Be($d$, $p$) reaction in search of a solution to the cosmological $^{7}$Li problem (CLP). The CLP is the overestimation of primordial $^{7}$Li abundance in the standard Big-Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) model compared to observed abundances, a major unresolved problem in modern astrophysics. A recent theoretical BBN model emphasized...
Nuclear reactions in the $\alpha$p-process including the ${}^{26}$Si($\alpha$, p)${}^{29}$P are important for the nucleosynthesis in X-ray bursts. However, there are not sufficient experimental data of the reactions because radioactive-isotope (RI) beam is required to perform the experiment and the cross section is low. In order to acquire the sufficient nuclear data of the...
The p-9Be reactions play a key role in accurate prediction of primordial abundance of beryllium, and its abundance can be used to exquisitely probe the nucleosynthesis and mixing mechanism of stars. In the present work, astrophysical S(E) factors of the 9Be(p,d)8Be and 9Be(p,α)6Li reactions have been obtained from thick-target yield Yield(Ei) for proton energies from 18 to 100 keV. A full...
Facility for Research in Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics (FRENA), an upcoming tandem accelerator facility at Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India. This is a low energy (0.2-3 MV) high current facility primarily designed for nuclear astrophysical studies. Most of the astrophysical reactions have very low cross-sections with large error bars$^{[1]}$. So the background studies in...
Background and Purpose:An efficient way to measure the nuclear radii is to measure the reaction cross section between the incident nucleus and the proton target (especially solid hydrogen). Currently, the method of measuring the length of solid hydrogen and multiplying it by the density to obtain the mass thickness is not sufficiently accurate because of the several % uncertainty in the...
Despite being proposed over half a century ago, various aspects of the r-process synthesis of heavy elements remain unknown1. One such mystery is that of the true astrophysical site. Intense neutron flux is required to set sufficient conditions for synthesis. In order to clarify the conditions of the r-process, mass measurements of neutron rich isotopes involved in the r-process...
The generator coordinate method (GCM) has been utilized to describe the nuclear collective motion including the cluster structure. The GCM trial function is given by a coherent superposition of Slater determinants (SDs) fixed within some collective space, which has been a priori selected. The energy variation is then made only for the weight function. In this talk, we present a GCM with the...
The crossing of the $2p_{3/2}$ and $1f_{5/2}$ proton s.p. energy levels in neutron-
rich Ni isotopes and the magic character of the atomic number Z=28 in
this isotopic chain is a subject of current interest from both, experimental and theoretical points of view[1,2]. The finite range Simple effective interaction(SEI) is able to reproduce the experimentally observed crossing even without...
Shape evolution from spherical to deformed nuclear system as a function of neutron number has been studied to reveal the change of residual nuclear interactions in finite quantum many-body system. Neutron-rich Xe nuclei with $A$ ~ 140 are located at the northeast transitional-mass region of the doubly-magic $^{132}$Sn ($Z$ = 50 and $N$ = 82). Various nuclear structures with prolate...
$^{11}$Li nucleus is one of the flagship drip-line nuclei in the field of nuclear physics. A spatially extended structure of neutrons in $^{11}$Li, which is now widely known as “halo” structure, opened the very active field of research with unstable nuclear beams. $^{11}$Li have the nature of Borromean.[1] In many cases, $^{11}$Li is considered as a 3-body system of $^9$Li + 2 neutrons....
The active target CAT-M (CNS Active Target - Medium/Manul) is being used in an experimental campaign for the study of the ISGMR (Isoscalar Giant Monopole Resonance), also called “Breathing Mode”.
The experimental campaign is performed at HIMAC (Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba), and beam time has been assigned to three different measurements. The first two experiments have been...
The incompressibility in nuclear matter ( $K_0$ and $K_\tau$ ) play an important role in clarifying the equation of state ( EOS ) of nuclear matter in extreme environments such as neutron stars.
$K_0$ and $K_\tau$ can be directly determined from the nuclear incompressibility $K_A$ measured from isoscalar giant monopole resonance (ISGMR) measurements. $K_A$ can be expressed as follows from the...