A3F-CNSSS20 Award for young scientist
During the A3F-CNSSS20, we had four young scientist sessions. Thirty-two contributions were given. Each talk consisted of 12 min. presentation and 3 min. discussion. Based on the grading by the organizing committee, A3F-members, and lecturers, the following winners were selected.
- Dr. Junki Tanaka (RIKEN Nishina Center, Japan) "Probing surface alpha clustering in the ground state of stable heavy nuclei"
- Mr. Tri Toan Phuc Nguyen (University of Science, Vietnum) "Analysis of (p,pN) reactions with light nuclei in inverse kinematics"
- Mr. Masaaki Tokieda (Tohoku Univ., Japan) "Phenomenological modelling of energy dissipation in near-barrier fusion reactions"
- Ms. Atumi Saito (Titech, Japan) "Coulomb and Nuclear breakup of 6He"
- Mr. Siwei Huang (RIKEN Nishina Center/Peking Univ.) "Experimental study of 4n with 8He(p,2p) reaction"
- Mr. Tomoya Naito (Univ. of Tokyo/Riken) "Effects of nucleon electric form factors to nuclear binding energy"
- Mr. Yixin Guo (Univ. of Tokyo), "Non-relativistic expansion: A potential bridge to connect the relativistic and non-relativistic density functional theories"