session #12
- Benjamin Kay (Argonne National Laboratory)
It is known that nuclear deformation plays an important role in inducing the halo structure in neutron-rich nuclei by mixing several angular momentum components. While previous theoretical studies on this problem in the literature assume axially symmetric deformation, we here consider non-axially symmetric deformations. With triaxial deformation, the Ω quantum number is admixed in a...
The two-proton radioactivity (2p decay), where two protons are simultaneously emitted
during nuclear decay, was theoretically predicted over 60 years ago[1]. In the early 2000s,
2p decay was discovered in very proton-rich nuclei such as 45Fe and 48Ni [2, 3]. The en-
ergy level structure and one- and two-proton separation energies (Sp, S2p) are essential to
evaluate the two-proton emission...
The structure of nuclei far from the stability line is a central theme of research in Nuclear Physics. Key to this program has been the worldwide development of advanced radioactive beam facilities and novel detector systems, which provide the tools needed to produce and study these exotic nuclei.
One of the intellectual drivers guiding current experimental and theoretical research concerns...