session #11
- Hiroyuki Sagawa (RIKEN and University of Aizu)
The production of a superheavy element in a fusion heavy-ion reaction schematically proceeds through the three stages: (i) the two colliding nuclei overcome the Coulomb repulsion and come in contact, (ii) the contact configuration evolves into a compact shape, (iii) the fused nucleus cools down by neutron evaporation. In the present presentation the second step is described in a new method...
Loosely bound nuclei are currently at the centre of interest in low-energy nuclear physics. The deeper understanding of their properties provided by the shell model for open quantum systems changes the comprehension of many phenomena and offers new horizons for spectroscopic studies of nuclei
from the driplines to the valley of $\beta$-stability, for states in the vicinity and above the...
In studies of nuclear physics during the last decades, the area of nuclides in the nuclear chart available for experiments increases drastically because of developments of rare isotope beam facilities as well as of experimental technique. Systematic studies of nuclear structure are performed as a function of numbers of protons and neutrons, which show evolution of structures, exotic phenomena...
Covariant density functional theory is applied on a three-dimensional lattice in a microscopic and fully self-consistent manner, without imposing any symmetry restrictions [1], to investigate the superheavy nucleus $^{286}$No. Our findings reveal that the ground state exhibits a distinct non-axial octupole shape, which coexists with a tetrahedral isomeric state. The energy difference between...