session #10
- Bo Cederwall
The concepts of triaxiality and -softness are introduced based on the collective liquid model. Pertaining signatures are the quadrupole shape invariants derived from the E2 matrix elements, the energy ratios and the staggering of the energies of the band . Microscopic Triaxial Projected Shell Model (TPSM) calculations have been carried out for nine nuclei with extended sets of E2 matrix...
The Xe nuclei with mass A < 120 are perfectly placed to study the octupole correlations phenomena. For these nuclei, the presence of octupole driving h11/2 and d5/2 orbitals near the Fermi surface make them suitable to exhibit octupole correlation. Other than Xe nuclei such octupole correlations have also been reported in several other isotopes of Cs and Ba having N < 70. In previous high spin...