session #9
- Kouichi Hagino
At the limit of stability, atomic nuclei can exhibit unique structure due to the proximity to the particle-
decay threshold. In particular, if orbitals near the Fermi surface have low angular momenta, they can
induce spatially extended wave functions for valence neutrons, forming nuclear halo. In light p and psd
shells, halo nuclei have so far served as a benchmark for understanding of...
Astro-$\nu$ interactions are studied by inverse $\beta$ decays and $\nu$-properties beynod the standard model are studied by neutrinoless double beta decays (0$\nu\beta\beta$). The $\beta$ and $\beta\beta$ nuclear matrix elements (NMES) consist mainly of the axial-vector spin ($\sigma$) isospin($\tau$) components, The delta-isobar ($\Delta$) resonance excited by the quark $\tau\sigma$...