session #1
- Muhsin Harakeh
The Gamow-Teller giant resonance is one of the most basic collective modes in nuclei and belongs to the spin-isospin (pion) channel. This mode has long been studied for stable nuclei to clarify a variety of nuclear properties such as the behavior of spin-isospin residual interactions, nuclear weak responses. Recently, with the advent of RI falicities worldwide, the study of GTR has been...
Gamow-Teller (GT) strengths in medium and heavy nuclei in the giant-resonance region are suppressed compared to the Ikeda sum rule [1,2]. GT strengths in low-lying states in sd-shell and pf-shell nuclei, for example, have also been found to be suppressed: the quenching factors for the axial-vector coupling, $q_{A}=g_{A}^{eff}/g_{A}^{free}$, are $\sim$0.77 and $\sim$0.74 for $sd$-shell [3] and...
Motivated by the experimental and theoretical interest on the Isovector Monopole Resonance, I will present a theoretical study of the charge-exchange and non-charge exchange Isovector Monopole Resonances in 48Ca, 90Zr and 208Pb calculated within the RPA approach. I will focus on their excitation energy and sum rules and discuss the possibility to relate them with the ground state properties of...