Shape coexistence of octupole shapes in the superheavy nucleus $^{286}$No

6 Mar 2025, 16:40
Main Lecture Hall (University of Aizu)

Main Lecture Hall

University of Aizu

90 Kamiiawase, Tsuruga, Itsukimachi, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima, 965-0006 Japan.


Peter Ring (Technical University Munich, Peking University)


Covariant density functional theory is applied on a three-dimensional lattice in a microscopic and fully self-consistent manner, without imposing any symmetry restrictions [1], to investigate the superheavy nucleus $^{286}$No. Our findings reveal that the ground state exhibits a distinct non-axial octupole shape, which coexists with a tetrahedral isomeric state. The energy difference between these states is merely 0.12 MeV, and they are separated by a potential barrier of approximately 0.5 MeV. We analyze the presence of octupole correlations by examining the evolution of single-particle levels near the Fermi surface, which are influenced by octupole deformations [2].
[1] B. Li, Z.X. Ren, P. W. Zhao, Phys. Rev. C 102 (2020) 044307
[2] F. F. Xu, B. Li, P. Ring, P. W. Zhao, Phys. Lett. B 856 (2024) 138893

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Peter Ring (Technical University Munich, Peking University)

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