Statistical analysis of nuclear low-lying states and double-beta decay with a covariant energy density functional

5 Mar 2025, 15:28
Main Lecture Hall (University of Aizu)

Main Lecture Hall

University of Aizu

90 Kamiiawase, Tsuruga, Itsukimachi, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima, 965-0006 Japan.


Xin Zhang (Kyoto University)


We present a statistical analysis of nuclear low-lying states within the framework of multireference covariant density functional theory (MR-CDFT) using a relativistic point-coupling energy density functional (EDF). This study is made possible by the newly developed subspace-projected (SP)-CDFT, where the wave functions of nuclear low-lying states for target EDF parameter sets are expanded in a subspace spanned by the wave functions of low-lying states from training parameter sets. We analyze the global sensitivity of excitation energies, electric quadrupole transition strengths, and the nuclear matrix element of neutrinoless double-beta decay in $^{150}{Sm}$ and $^{150}{Nd}$ to EDF parameters, and explore the correlations between these quantities and nuclear matter properties. Furthermore, we quantify the statistical uncertainty of low-lying states through their posterior distributions.

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Primary author

Xin Zhang (Kyoto University)


Prof. Jiangming Yao (Sun Yat-Sen University) Ms Chenrong Ding (Sun Yat-Sen University) Dr Chencan Wang (Sun Yat-Sen University)

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