In the so-called “island of inversion,” ground states of neutron-rich sd-shell nuclei around N=20 exhibit strong admixtures of intruder configurations involving the fp orbitals, leading to the breakdown of the N=20 shell gap. The nucleus 32Mg, which has played a central role in island-of-inversion studies, serves as an important benchmark for nuclear models and our understanding of evolving shell structure.
We performed detailed in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of 32Mg using GRETINA at NSCL, primarily to determine spin-parity assignments of excited states in this key nucleus. Owing to the strong selectivity of direct nucleon removal reactions, the measurement has allowed us to construct a significantly updated level scheme, highlighting different structures coexisting in 32Mg. We will present findings from the latest spectroscopy of 32Mg [1], together with our earlier result on 30Mg [2] obtained from the same experimental setup, with an emphasis on the evolution of the fp orbitals.
[1] N. Kitamura, K. Wimmer, A. Poves et al., Phys. Lett. B 822, 136682 (2021).
[2] N. Kitamura, K. Wimmer, N. Shimizu et al., Phys. Rev. C 102, 054318 (2020).
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