The Variable moment of inertia (VMI) and its extension based on Nuclear Softness (VMINS3)
concept with three parameters have been applied to comprehend the systematic of the superde-
formed rotational bands (SDRB) in A ≈ 60-90 lower mass region. The band head spin has been
assigned to all SD bands used in the present manuscript using VMI and VMINS3 model. The
experimental transition energies have been least square fitted to obtain parameters of the model.
The variation of the experimental kinematic moment of inertia J(1) and dynamic moment of iner-
tia J(2) against the NpNn product are examined in A ≈ 60-90 lower mass region. In addition, the
comparison between experimental and calculated J(2) is drawn out against rotational frequency ℏω
and the variation of band head moment of inertia J0 with softness parameter σ is also examined.
Type of contribution | poster |
Are you a student or postdoc? | yes |