4 April 2023
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Optical system for the optical lattice trapping of heavy alkali atoms

Not scheduled
Accelerator and Instrumentation


Precision spectroscopy of heavy atoms, including francium, is expected to provide insight into the origins of fundamental symmetry violation. The key for achieving high experimental sensitivity is to cool the atoms and trap them within the measurement region. We report on the construction of an optical system that enables us to trap alkali atoms in a one-dimensional optical lattice. The system is built to work with a laser-cooled ensemble of stable rubidium or cesium atoms, but also serves as a prototype for francium atoms.

Primary author

Naoya Ozawa (Center for Nuclear Study, The University of Tokyo)


Keisuke Nakamura (CNS, The University of Tokyo) Shintaro Nagase Mr Teruhito Nakashita (The University of Tokyo) Hiroki Nagahama (The University of Tokyo) Yasuhiro Sakemi (CNS)

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