4 April 2023
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Direct mass measurement of proton-rich Fe isotopes

Not scheduled
Experimental Nuclear Physics: Low and Intermediate Energies


The two-proton radioactivity (2p decay) is an exotic decay mode that was predicted theoretically in the 1960s and first discovered experimentally in 2002. Two protons are simultaneously emitted from the ground state of some neutron-deficient nuclei such as 19Mg, 45Fe, 48Ni, and 54Zn.
Because the two-proton emitters are very undatable, it is difficult to study their energy structure, and the mechanism of 2p decay is not fully established.
In this research, we performed the direct mass measurement of 45Fe and the nucleus in its vicinity to reveal the energy structure and proton separation energy using the Tof-Brho method in the OEDO-SHARAQ beamline. We are aiming to evaluate the probability that two protons tunnel the potential barrier. The present status of the data analysis will be reported.

Primary author

Shutaro Hanai (CNS,the university of Tokyo)


Shin'ichiro Michimasa (Center for Nuclear Study, the Univ. of Tokyo) Nobu Imai (CNS) Rin Yokoyama SHARAQ13 collaboration

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