18 April 2022
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Development and performance evaluation of Mini TPC for tracking heavy-ion high-intensity beam in CAT-M

Not scheduled
Experimental Nuclear Physics: Low and Intermediate Energies


For high-precision measurement of giant monopole resonance, it is necessary to measure the momentum of beam particle and recoil particles in the vicinity of reaction point with high precision. we have developed a new compact time projection chamber (Mini TPC) that can be irradiated with high-intensity heavy-ion beams, and performed heavy-ion beam irradiation experiments at HIMAC. In present study, We will report the results of simulation and performance for high-intensity heavy-ion beams.

Primary author

Fumitaka Endo (Tohoku Univ)


Shinsuke OTA (Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo) Reiko Kojima

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