18 April 2022
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Angular distribution of the transfer reaction of 79Se(d,p) in inverse kinematics

Not scheduled
Experimental Nuclear Physics: Low and Intermediate Energies


To evaluate the neutron capture reaction on 79Se, we have studied the (d,p) reaction on 79Se in inverse kinematics at OEDO. To evalute the spin-dependent gamma emission probabilities at the unbound states, the reaction mechanism of the transfer reaction is needed to be cleared. We studied the double differential cross section of the trasnfer reaction, which are in good agreement with the theoretical model of the pre-equilibrium reaction. The neutron capture reaction on 79Se is also given with the updated the gamma emission probability.

Primary authors

Nobu Imai (CNS) Masanori Dozono (Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo) Shin'ichiro Michimasa (Center for Nuclear Study, the Univ. of Tokyo) Shinsuke OTA (Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo) Seiya Hayakawa Keita Kawata (Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo) Noritaka Kitamura Mr Shoichiro Masuoka (Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo) Rieko Tsunoda

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