Local alpha strength functions in nuclei

8 Mar 2023, 15:30


Takashi Nakatsukasa (University of Tsukuba)


Alpha knock-out reaction is a useful tool to investigate properties of the alpha particle formation in the nuclear surface region. In order to give a qualitative measure for the alpha particle formation probability as a function of the location inside the nucleus, we define the local alpha strength function S(r,E). When an alpha particle is removed from the position r inside the nucleus, S(r,E) provides a transition probability distribution of the daughter nucleus as a function of excitation energy E. The numerical calculations are performed with a mean-field approximation (HF+BCS). The method is particularly useful for heavy nuclei with the pairing correlations. The enhancement due to the pairing correlation is clearly observed. We compare S(r,E=E(gs)) with recent alpha knockout reaction experiment in Sn isotopes.

Experimental study on nuclear physics No, theoretical one.

Primary authors

Takashi Nakatsukasa (University of Tsukuba) Nobuo Hinohara (University of Tsukuba)

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