In-beam $\gamma$-ray spectroscopy of 32Mg

8 Mar 2023, 15:15


Noritaka Kitamura


In the so-called "island of inversion," the ground states of neutron-rich nuclei around $N=20$ exhibit strong admixtures of intruder configurations, which lead to the breakdown of the $N=20$ shell gap. At the heart of the island of inversion is $^{32}$Mg, and from both experimental and theoretical perspectives, this nucleus serves as a critical benchmark.
In this contribution, we report on a precision in-beam $\gamma$-ray measurement of $^{32}$Mg using two direct-reaction probes, one-neutron (two-proton) removal from $^{33}$Mg ($^{34}$Si). By combining observables obtained in this measurement, a significantly updated level scheme for $^{32}$Mg was constructed, and various structures coexisting in this key nucleus were unraveled. The experimental results were compared with predictions by state-of-the-art theoretical models. However, unexplained discrepancies remain, meaning that the structure of $^{32}$Mg is not yet fully understood.

Experimental study on nuclear physics Yes

Primary author

Noritaka Kitamura

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